Figaro 3 - Sardinha Cup - Saint-Gilles-Coix-de-Vie FRA - Leg 2 - Day 1

Wednesday, April 3, 2019   
 Figaro 3  Sardinha Cup  SaintGillesCoixdeVie FRA  Leg 2  Day 1, Caudrelier/Delhaye FRA leading
Charles Caudrelier/Fabien Delhaye FRA were leading this morning in the 405nm leg 2 of the Sardhina Cup with an advantage of one mile on Benjamin Schwartz/Cédric Pouligny FRA and Tom Laperche/Ronan Treussart FRA. The mixed-team Justine Mettraux SUI/Gwenolen Gahinet FRA follows 4nm back on rank 9. Fresh winds between 15 und 20kn keep the 33 teams still in the race busy.
This morning UTC, one third of the distance was reached with the fleet still closely together.
The race tracker and the daily news.
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Figaro 3 - Sardinha Cup - St. Gilles-Croix-de-Vie FRA

Saturday, 30. March 2019– Saturday, 13. April 2019


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