Saturday, September 28, 2019   (Image © Tim Wilkes)
 J/70  J/70 North American Championship  Cleveland, OH  Day 3  Lorentzen and Ronning will fight for the title today
Oivind Lorentzen, Greenwich, CT, USA and Joel Ronning, Excelsior, MN, USA with their teams played chutes and ladders for the top two positions, with ultimately Lorentzen holding the overall lead, albeit by less than one single point (24.3 to 25). 8 points back follows Brian Keane, Weston, MA, USA on 3rd. Another 2 points behind is John Brim, Palm Beach, FL, USA up on 4th. 7, respectively 10 points behind Bronze, Bruce Golison, Long Beach, CA, USA on 5th and John Baxter, Riverside, CT, USA on 6th might still have a say when it comes to go for a Medal in the last three races planned for today. ----- Partly sunny skies and a beautiful Southwind between 12-15kn prevailed allowing to complete four races yesterday. ----- The results and the J/70 facebook page with a report on day 3.

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