IMOCA Open 60 - New York-Vendée - Today start at 20h CET

Wednesday, May 29, 2024   
Tonight at 20h the start of the last big race of the Open 60 before the start of the Vendée Globe will take place off New York. The 29 solo skippers are already on their way to the virtual starting line, the best way to follow the start will probably be via Race-Tracker. The forecasts so far predict a crossing with rather moderate winds. The last starting places for the Vendée Globe are also at stake: Oliver Heer SUI must finish the race to confirm his qualification, as must Violette Dorange FRA, the youngest participant at the age of 22. Also taking part is Jingkun Xu CHN, who has to make do with just one hand and is a national hero in his home country. The favourites are Charlie Dalin FRA (Macif), Thomas Ruyant FRA (Vulnerable), Yoanne Richomme FRA (Paprec-Arkéa) and Jérémy Beyou FRA (Charal). But Justine Mettraux SUI (Teamwork/Team Snef) and Boris Herrmann GER (Malizia) can also be counted on. Herrmann GER will be broadcasting the start live from aboard his Malizia from 1945h CET. The race tracker and the event website with reports and pictures from New York.
IMOCA Open 60 - New York-Vendée - New York USA

Wednesday, 29. May 2024– Monday, 10. June 2024

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