Louis Vuitton Cup - Barcelona ESP - Day 6 - First victory for Alinghi

Wednesday, September 4, 2024   
 Louis Vuitton Cup  Barcelona ESP  Day 6  First victory for Alinghi
Thundery weather caused a shortened regatta day in Barcelona yesterday. For the first time there were fresher winds in the first duel, which favoured Alinghi Red Bull, the Swiss were able to claim their first victory in this important duel against France and are therefore back in the race for a place in the semi-finals. The second match between Luna Rossa and Team New Zealand was cancelled after the first lightning strikes, with the Italians far ahead. Today, Alinghi will face American Magic, we will be broadcasting live again. The results and the reports.
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America's Cup - Louis Vuitton Cup - Barcelona ESP

Thursday, 29. August 2024– Monday, 7. October 2024


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