AC-40 - Women's America's Cup - Barcelona ESP - Day 3

Wednesday, October 9, 2024   
Offshore, gusty winds made for challenging conditions yesterday for the conclusion of the Group B qualifications. ----- With 4 race wins in 4 races, 'Team Sweden' with Vilma Bobeck SWE (49FX Olympic Silver 2024) dominated at will. 'Jajo Team Dutchsail' with Odile Van Aanholt NED (Olympic gold 49erFX 2024) and the local 'Sail Team BCN' with Silvia Mas ESP in 2nd and 3rd place will also be in the semi-finals from Friday. The results and the daily report.
----- The decision in Group A with Alinghi has been postponed to tomorrow Thursday.
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America's Cup - Louis Vuitton Cup - Barcelona ESP

Thursday, 29. August 2024– Monday, 7. October 2024


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